As We Patiently Wait

Grand Opening Update Latest News Store News


We hope you are all safe and healthy!! We are doing great. Mr. McDowell is doing his Bachelors online, he's not digging that too much. He'd much rather go to school. Discipline takes time lol .. his picking has slowed although he still is carefully searching online and getting items here and there safely with mask, gloves and social distancing with curbside services. I started a part time position at Lowe's Home Improvements. Stepping down from Flooring Specialist to MST (bay integrity) from 5am-11:30am, M-F. This will free me up for time at our new shop Vintage Vibes Good Finds, located in Downtown Stuart in the Creek Arts and Entertainment District!! Our actual address is ... you ready for this.... 

420 S Colorado Avenue, Stuart FL 34994 .. get it? 420? Some do, some don't .. it's 50/50 lol ... I would think these days everyone would know the meaning of 4/20 ... 

Our plan was to have our Grand Opening on 04/20, but "The Rona" squashed that idea... Now we patiently wait to open our doors of our fabulous brick and mortar!! Although it's hard to wait, this has given us the opportunity to rearrange if you will our space. We have torn down walls where they weren't wanted and added walls where they are wanted. We have painted walls with awesome techniques and we are moving in our inventory!! We are taking advantage of this "down time" to do things properly, mindfully, and with certainty knowing that when the time is right, we will be ready for action and our Grand Opening will be a success!! Along with having our new adventure take off like wildfire!! 

We have pushed our thoughts to a Grand Opening day on May 5th!! Cinco De Mayo!! We will have records spinning and a taco truck!! Now that's MOXIE!!! 

We hope to see you there!! ... we will have reminders and updates if anything changes, but we feel it in our bones... Cinco De Mayo .... because who doesn't love tacos!!?? 

Be safe, stay healthy and be kind, be kind, be kind. 


Karen & Mr. McDowell 

PS .. our YouTube channel / Vintage Vibes Good Finds (link in footer of website) will have all the befores/afters and in-betweens ..  I have taken video of all the changes, the tear down, the build out, etc. Now to figure out how to make a movie lol ... in the meantime, check out our Facebook Page Vintage Vibes Good Finds (link in footer of website) for the Facebook lives we did of actual demo and build out. 

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